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Guías de configuración
Ya sea para agregar un dominio o invitar a usuarios, sigue esta guía detallada para configurar Workplace.
Administración de dominios
Descubre por qué administrar los dominios es importante y cómo hacerlo correctamente.
Integraciones de Workplace
Descubre cómo reunir todas las herramientas. ¿Te falta algo? Aprende a crear tus propias integraciones.
Administración de cuentas
Crea, mantén o desactiva cuentas de usuario para tener tu comunidad de Workplace actualizada.
Asegúrate de integrar tus soluciones de identidad actuales para solo brindar acceso a las personas adecuadas.
Configuración de TI
Descubre todo lo que necesitas para que Workplace funcione sin problemas, como información sobre redes, listas blancas de correo electrónico y dominios.
Ciclo de vida de las cuentas
Descubre cómo invitar a los miembros de tu organización para que reclamen sus cuentas.
Seguridad y gestión
Obtén información sobre cómo protegemos tus datos y los de tu comunidad en Workplace mediante terminología técnica adicional.
API de Workplace
Descubre cómo puedes automatizar e integrar tus soluciones personalizadas con Workplace a través de nuestra API.
Primeros pasos
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IT Configuration > Workchat MSI

Be sure everything around IT works smoothly for Workplace.



This guide explains the steps required to deploy Workplace Chat application via Windows installer (or .msi package). .msi is an installer package file format used by Windows for installation, storage, and deletion of programs. The files are stored within a package, which is then used with the program’s client-side installer service to open and install the program.

The system administrator of a company will typically deploy .msi packages via the Windows Server group policies objects (GPO) or through a third party software deployment tool.

The main idea is that an application will be automatically installed the next time a user logs in to their computer. This means that the application will automatically be installed without the need for an end-user, who might not have permissions to install applications, to run the executable manually.

Deploy Workplace Chat MSI by using group policies

Deploy Workplace Chat MSI by using group policies (GPO)

In order to deploy Workplace Chat MSI by using group policy objects, follow the steps below:

Download the Workplace Chat MSI.

Copy the .msi to a shared folder so that the installer can be deployed over the network.

Open the Group Policy Management tool.

Expand the Forest - Domains - <your domain>.

Right click on <your domain> and select Create GPO in this domain, and Link it here....

Choose an appropriate name for the Group Policy and click OK.
Right click on the group policy that you have just created and click on Edit.

Go to Computer Configuration - Policies - Software Settings - Software installation.

Right click on software installation and select New - Package.

Browse to the shared folder, select the Workplace Chat .msi and click on Open.
Close the Group Policy Management Editor.

Right click on the group policy again and select Enforced.

Open up a command line prompt and enter gpupdate /force to update the group policies.

Restart the server when asked by the command line.
Workplace Chat MSI deployment features

Workplace Chat MSI deployment features

Workplace Chat .msi deployment follows a sequence of steps:

Installs an installer in program files.

Sets a registry setting to run the installer on login.

Optionally runs the installer. If you don't want this step (e.g. the .msi is running by some provisioning system across many PCs), then run with "START=N". E.g.: msiexec /i WorkplaceChat.msi START=N

By default the app will run on first start which we recommend, but you can disable it with msiexec /i WorkplaceChat.msi INSTALLEROPTS="/S" which runs the installer in silent mode.


When you want to deploy an .msi, you can use the .msiexec to run a couple of commands in a terminal prior to deploying the .msi in the group policies or third party deployment tool. The msiexec has the possibility to run install, display, restart and most importantly logging options.

Installation Options

msiexec.exe [/i][/a][/j{u|m|/g|/t}][/x] <path_to_msi>

/i Trigger a normal installation
/a Trigger an administrative install
u Advertise the product to the current user
m Advertise the product to all users
/g Specify the language identifier used by the advertised package
/t Apply transform to advertise package
/x Uninstall the package

Display Options

msiexec.exe/i[/quiet][/passive][/q{n|b|r|f}] <path_to_msi>

/quiet Quiet mode (there is no user interaction)
/passive Unattended mode (installation shows only a progress bar)
n UI level: no UI
b UI level: basic
n+ UI level: no UI (except for a modal dialog at the end)
b+ UI level: basic (except for a modal dialog at the end)
b- UI level: basic (with no modal dialog)
r UI level: reduced
f UI level: full
The modal box is not displayed if the user cancels the installation. Use qb+! or qb!+ to hide the Cancel button.

Restart Options

msiexec.exe/i[/norestart][/promptrestart][/forcerestart] <path_to_msi>

/norestart Machine will not be restarted after the installation
/promptrestart User will be prompted if a reboot is required
/forcerestart Machine will be restarted after the installation

Logging Options

msiexec.exe [/i][/x] <path_to_msi> [/L{i|w|e|a|r|u|c|m|o|p|v|x+|!|*}][/log] <path_to_log>

i Include status messages in logs
w Include non-fatal warnings in logs
e Include all error messages in logs
a Mention when an action is started in logs
r Include action-specific records in logs
u Include user requests in logs
c Include the initial UI parameters in logs
m Include out-of-memory or fatal exit information in logs
o Include out-of-disk-space messages in logs
p Include terminal properties in logs
v Generate a verbose output
x Include extra debugging information in logs
+ Append output to an existing log file
! Flush each line to the log
* Log all information, except for v and x options